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Body Contouring

Body Contouring

Non-Invasive Aesthetics

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State-of-the-art Body Sculpting Technology

Although diet and exercise can reduce the appearance of cellulite, it doesn't fully address the dimpled, "cottage cheese" appearance. Many women who are naturally trim and fit still have cellulite. Modern technology brings new answers to this condition, and can bring about a smoother, more attractive look to the skin on the tummy, hips, and thighs.

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There have been many scientific studies to shed light on how cellulite forms. Based on the research, it is thought that cellulite begins when an accumulation of swollen fat cells develops.

The swollen fat cells press on the connective fibers that surround them. Then connective fibers bend and pull the skin downward to which they are connected. The result of these conditions is a puckered look on the surface of the skin, which we call the “dreaded” cellulite.

 Sometimes the fat cells squeeze on the connective tissues (collagen fibers) and there is little room for the lymphatic drainage system to relieve this build-up of fluids, fats, and toxins. Fat in this layer does not respond well to diet or exercise.
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Sculpted offers a powerful, non-invasive, relaxing cellulite treatment which breaks down stubborn fatty tissues in the stomach, thighs and bottom and reduces the appearance of cellulite. You will leave feeling toned and more supple. 

The combination of vibration, percussion, and deep tissue manipulation provided by the CelluPulse helps to break down these fat deposits, increase blood flow, and stimulate lymphatic drainage. This process helps to flush out toxins and excess fluids, which can result in smoother, firmer, and more toned skin.

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