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Pain Management

Alternative & Integrative Help For Chronic & Acute Pain Conditions

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You Deserve to Live Pain Free

When a person is diagnosed with pain, the first line of treatment is typically pain medication. But while these medications may work for some people, in others, the side effects—ranging from nausea to heart complications—may outweigh the relief.

For patients looking to explore a holistic pain management program, whether alone or in tandem with traditional medicine, there are a number of options to consider.


An epidemic of drug abuse and mortality from opioid prescription medication, cannot go unnoticed. There is substantial evidence in support of non-opioid alternatives to chronic pain management, including other pharmacologic approaches, exercise, physical therapy, weight loss, smoking cessation, chiropractic care, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and other integrative health modalities such as those below.

  • Opioids were involved in 47,600 overdose deaths in 2017, accounting for 67.8% of all drug overdose deaths.

  • The amount paid for treatment of substance use disorders is only a small portion of the costs these disorders impose on society. An analysis suggested that the total costs of prescription opioid use disorders and overdoses in the United States was $78 billion in 2013. Of that, only 3.6 percent, or about $2.8 billion, was for treatment.

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When your brain perceives something potentially dangerous, it triggers a cascade of events in your body by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These increase your heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, and energy supplies. They also shut off functions not essential to survival, like digestion, growth, and reproduction.


Inflammation refers to your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it in an attempt to heal itself.  Chronic inflammation happens when this response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert. 


Although inflammation serves a vital role in the body's defense and repair systems, chronic inflammation can cause more harm than good. Some research suggests that chronic inflammation could also play a role in a range of conditions, from cancer to stroke.

In order to break the pain cycle, we need to target the factor that is fueling it the most: pain.

Chronic Inflammation & the Pain Cycle

Integrative Therapies for Your


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Nerve Pain

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Wound Healing

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We Offer a Better Approach to Your Wellness

Our aim is to provide you with pain relieving treatments so that you can get back to living life to its fullest.

Our goal is improving how you FEEL            ~ You Live better when you feel better ~

Our Alternative Therapies

At Sculpted, we put together a custom treatment plan for each client leveraging a customized combination of the therapies outlined below. Each treatment program is based on a variety of factors including your initial diagnosis, current condition, previous treatments, medical history, and the current state of your mental and physical health.

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oxygen therapy has been used for enhanced muscle recovery by athletes for years
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Improves nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and other health challenges. Microcurrent therapy simply restores normal frequencies within the cells, resulting in remarkable improvements in pain, inflammation, and function.

O2 Therapy

Inhaling oxygen enriched air (OEA), the body will metabolize food more efficiently and generate more energy, create a healthier body, and just make you feel better.

Electro Lymphatic Detox

Detox, cleanse, and purify the lymphatic system and free up the immune system to do the job it is meant to do by removing waste that has been bogging down the body and restoring health.

Red Light Therapy

Light therapy is a proven way of stimulating the body's natural healing process relieving pain and promoting wound healing.

Infrared Sauna

Radiant heat has been effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and many other musculoskeletal ailments.

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Book Your Pain Management Appointment Today

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